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Artist Profile

Celeste Rub

Printmaking: linoleum block printing on multimedia; Collage: mixing all types of media into one cohesive piece; Cosplay: recreating high-skill looks from video games, movies, and TV shows; Jewelry making: creating wearable art from shrinky dinks, wire, beads, and charms; Button making: both digital and physical drawn artwork made into wearable buttons; Drawing: charcoal, graphite, colored pencil, and marker on paper; Illustration: digital artwork made on the Procreate app; Fiber art: (falls in with cosplay); Painting: acrylic on wood board and canvas, watercolor on watercolor paper; Sculpture: various types of clay

I specialize in bird-centric artwork, with my Quaker parrot being my main muse. I am big on working for niche groups and I love to teach what I’ve learned to children of all ages, specializing in educating elementary age.